
Your point of contact

Who is Who at BWI?

Company information

Contact address BWI npo | BWI Industry BV/SRL

Belgian Welding Institute
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 48 (Tech Lane Gent - zone A2)
9052 Zwijnaarde (Gent)

Tel.: +32 (0)9 292 14 00 

Delivery address

Tech Lane Ghent Science Park | Campus A – Zone A4c
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 66 – 9052 Zwijnaarde

Our warehouse is open on a daily basis, from 8.00 to 12.00 am / 1.00 to 4.00 pm

When using GPS, insert below coordinates (and not our company address!). The visitors' entrance for building 48 is located between building 46 (Ugent) and 60 (Laboratorium Magnel, Ugent)

Registered Office BWI npo

Belgian Welding Institute npo
Antoon van Osslaan 1 - 4
1120 Brussel (Neder-over-Heembeek)

Tel.: +32 (0)2 260 11 70

How to reach us:

  • by car: GPS coordinates
    • GPS coordinates visitors' parking
      N(orth) – N(oorden): 51° 00’ 35”
      E(ast) – O(osten): 03° 42’ 25”
    • GPS coordinates deliveries warehouse
      N(orth) – N(oorden): 51°00'31.1"
      E(ast) – O(osten): 3°42'34.3"
  • by train - railwaystation Gent St. Pieters: then take

How to reach us:

  • by car: GPS coordinates
    Latitude: 50.907655 | Longitude: 4.402062
  • By train - railway station 'Brussel Noord': take the bus (line 47 or 57 - bus stop 'VAN OSS')
    By train - railway station 'Vilvoorde': take the bus
    (line 47 - bus stop 'VAN OSS')

Contact form

Not getting the search results you are looking for?

Looking for information, advice, support, an event or training program, ... which you did not find on our website? Contact us using the data below. We will do our utmost to provide a the appopriate support or adequate response as soon as possible.

Tel +32 (0)9 292 14 00

Contact form